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PSMFC Disaster Relief Amounts

Relief Disbursement Update

I asked the PSMFC what the final dollar amounts will be for SEAK seine permit allocation.

Here is their response:

$10,325,952 was allocated to SEAK seine permit holders.
The estimated base payment identified on the application reads, $52,722.37
Recalculated for permit holders who applied by the deadline, $53,851.67 will be what nearly all will receive.

-Alaska Fish Disaster Team
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
205 SE Spokane Street | Suite 100 | Portland, Oregon 97202
P: (888) 517-7262 | F: (503) 214-1170 | E: |

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Philip Doherty
Philip Doherty

Phil Doherty has been SEAS Executive Director since mid-January 2022. prior to this, Phil was the Ketchikan Area Commercial Fisheries Management Biologist for ADF&G (1980 through 2006) and the Executive Director for the Southeast Regional Dive Fisheries Association (2006 through 2022).

Articles: 12