2025 Fishing Schedule

There have been suggestions that the 2025 Purse Seine fishing schedule go from a 2-days-on / 2-days-off to a 1-day-on / 1-day-off at the appropriate time of the season to improve fish quality.

The SEAS Board voted against that suggestion but is open to options on how to improve quality, and ultimately improve prices paid to purse seine fishermen.

ADF&G will have a meeting on January 7th 2025 in Ketchikan with processors, hatchery operators and SEAS Board members to talk about any changes in fishing schedules and possible solutions.

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Philip Doherty
Philip Doherty

Phil Doherty has been SEAS Executive Director since mid-January 2022. prior to this, Phil was the Ketchikan Area Commercial Fisheries Management Biologist for ADF&G (1980 through 2006) and the Executive Director for the Southeast Regional Dive Fisheries Association (2006 through 2022).

Articles: 12