Category Disaster Relief

2020 Disaster Relief Funding

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SEAS worked hard to obtain the maximum funding allowed under the 2020 Disaster Relief Funding Program. While it took much longer than we had anticipated, in the end the money was distributed.

PSMFC Disaster Relief Amounts

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Relief Disbursement Update I asked the PSMFC what the final dollar amounts will be for SEAK seine permit allocation. Here is their response: $10,325,952 was allocated to SEAK seine permit holders.The estimated base payment identified on the application reads, $52,722.37Recalculated…

PSMFC Federal Fishery Disaster Relief

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Relief Disbursement Updates It is the Commission’s current expectations that relief will be disbursed by 10/31/2024 for the following: 2019 Norton Sound Red King Crab 2019/2020 Bering Sea Tanner Crab 2020/21 Statewide Salmon § Chignik, Yukon-Kuskokwim, and Norton Sound processors…

NOAA Disaster Relief Money

seine fishers resting on deck in rain

A quick update, received from NOAA today, on the 2020 (yes, 2020, time does fly) Disaster Relief Money. When the application period opens I’ll pass that along (don’t hold your breath). NOAA plans to grant the 2020 Statewide salmon, including…